At Clide we have designed and executed the industrial project of the mechanical air conditioning installations for the Valbusenda Winery in Toro (Zamora).
The design is by Architect D. Leocadio Peláez Franco. It was inaugurated in December 2008 and occupies an area of 6,000 m2. It also has two floors, the ground floor has been reserved for carrying out the tasks of a winery, while from the upper floor visitors will be able to tour the facilities to learn about the wine-making process, but without interfering in the work of the winery. company operators, so you can visit at any time of the year, even during the harvest campaign.
The wine production facilities are equipped with the latest equipment and control technology, both in the barrel room and in the production room, bottle room and shipping room. It has 430 French and American oak barrels, with the maximum production capacity of the winery being 750,000 liters and a maximum storage capacity of 400,000 liters.
Air conditioning: Systems installed
The hot and cold water production system has been carried out with reversible cycle heat pump units, which individually supply 167 kW in cold and heat, incorporating a buffer tank and hydraulic group.
A 4-pipe system has been designed to simultaneously produce cold at -8ºC and heat at 40ºC (the user can modify these conditions, depending on the season and processes they wish to carry out) that remain constant in each discharge collector.
With this system, depending on the needs of the production processes during the year, cold and heat can be supplied most of the year, all cold or all heat.
Fermentation Control and Stabilization
The produced must is added to the double coil tanks, in which our air conditioning system controls the maximum fermentation temperature between 29ºC and 30ºC. At the end of the coil there is cold and hot water and depending on the temperature setpoint, it opens the cold circuit or the heat circuit to make way for the coils.
The water circulates through a closed ring that acts as a secondary collector through which the glycol water is transported at between -5ºC and 5ºC in the cold ring and 35ºC to 45ºC in the hot ring. Control is carried out with an immersed temperature probe and 4 tight-closing solenoid valves.
The water that circulates through the secondary is pumped by double motor pump groups incorporating a frequency converter to maintain the maximum pressure of the distribution ring when they close or the tanks are not being worked on.
The control of the installation is centralized by a computer with a screen that incorporates the graphics of the principle diagram, reflecting all the tanks from which we will read their internal temperature, the water pumps, the buffer tank, the refrigeration groups, etc.
From the computer screen the user can perform all the temperature control tasks needed to control the fermentation or stabilization processes and at each different temperature.
Barrels, Bottling and Shipping
This system lasts all year round and attempts to maintain certain temperature and humidity conditions:
- Barrel Room: It is the most important room and in which two parameters are controlled, temperature and humidity, which must be maintained at 18ºC with 75% RH. In this area we will treat the ambient air with an outdoor air conditioner, with a free-cooling section, a standard filter section, a cooling coil and a heating coil, and a steam humidification section. We consider this humidification system to be more appropriate and has the advantage of avoiding legionella and eliminates all types of bacteria from the water and finally the delivery section.
The air treated in the air conditioner is transported through a network of galvanized sheet steel ducts to the long-range nozzle terminal units. The return to floor level through grilles integrated into the design of the room.
El control será centralizado permite el actuar sobre las condiciones y componentes del climatizador.
Sala crianza en botellas y Nave de almacenamiento de Producto terminado: Sus condiciones de temperatura han de ser mantenidas a 18ºC, sin control de humedad ambiental. El sistema adoptado es idéntico al de sala de barricas sin control de humedad y el resto de sus instalaciones y elementos de impulsión son idénticos, por funcionalidad y diseño del conjunto de la Bodega.
Sala de embotellado: Es la sala más estándar, consta de un climatizador de baja silueta sin free-cooling con toma de aire exterior difusión con difusores rotacionales y su control de temperatura con el sistema de gestión centralizado actuando sobre válvulas de tres vías en baterías de agua fría y caliente.
Offices and Lounges
For these areas and independently of the rest of the winery, a flexible system is adopted with the possibility of electrically consuming what is energy demand, that is, we adopt the variable refrigerant system with inverter technology.
The false ceiling evaporator units or cassettes seen according to the architectural design of the areas.
Centralized Control
To control all fermentation, storage, bottling and shipping processes, a centralized computer control system has been installed and monitored in all its processes, allowing real-time analysis and action on any part of the facility. It has an open architecture with great possibilities to expand, reduce and update according to the evolution of all the facilities present in the building.